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This is stuff we build a lot of experience with on a daily basis in the martial arts school! As a burgeoning nerd we had always appreciated being direct and frank with others in the admission of criticism, and in fact regarded the compliment sandwich with suspicion... do you think so little of me that you have to butter me up with /human psychology hacks/ before providing a needed correction?

However, after working with actual children and seeing how quickly they shrivel back from criticism and how much more effective they are when you can compliment their strengths and give them a slight course correction on how they can move with even more finesse, versus more direct feedback which often triggers an oppositional defiant response, it's much easier to see how framing (I hate to call it "spinning") puts you on their side as a guide instead of a detractor. Then it's much easier to interact with adults even though they're much better at hiding their inner child.

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